Farm King is a leader in building top quality farm implements for grain handling and many other agricultural applications. Perry Equipment is a proud supplier of Farm King Feed Equipment, Grain Cleaners, Auger parts.
Get A QuoteFARM KING ROLLERMILLS AND HAMMERMILLS ARE DESIGNED TO MAXIMIZE THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FEED. Built with durable, heavy-gauge materials, Farm King rollermills and hammermills deliver top-quality processed grain with minimum maintenance and low operating costs.
Hammer Mills
Rolled or crimped grain is an excellent way to increase the nutritional value of grain, making it easier for animals to digest for faster weight gain per pound of intake.
Roller Mills
Freshly ground grain helps animals get the highest nutritional value. A Farm King Hammermill does the job quickly, grinding as much as 75 bushels per hour. The sliding feed gate controls the amount of grain entering the mill and an optional magnet removes nails and other metal objects from the grain.
Farm King grain cleaner models are designed to separate the dockage from grain before it gets shipped or stored, increasing profit in a variety of ways. Cleaned grain dries faster and screenings can be used as animal feed. Dockage reduces bin storage capacity.
Farm King is a manufacturer of parts for many high quality types of augers including: